Sunday, February 3, 2013

Experimental Fudge

So having (re)discovered last year how easy it is to make fudge, and being the fudge-lover I am, it is perhaps not too surprising that I would begin experimenting with different kinds of fudge, as I tend to do with every new recipe I learn to make.

This time, specifically, I was waffling between different brands and bag sizes of chocolate chips at the grocery store, when I noticed a bag of white chocolate chips. I love white chocolate, so on a whim I bought some and used them to make fudge over the weekend.

It actually turned out quite good, something I wasn't sure of given the different compositions of white and regular chocolate. It may have helped that I deviated slightly from the recipe and kept heating it after I was supposed to stop to make sure all the marshmallows and white chocolate chips melted, which made it nice and molten when I poured it into the pan.

So, the conclusion appears to be that white chocolate chips are a perfectly suitable substitute for brown ones in fudge, although the resulting product may be ever-so-slightly crumblier than normal. It still tastes delicious, though. Try it sometime!


  1. Dang it! Why make fudge now and not a year ago?!? :(

  2. I have no idea what recipe you're using so I may be completely making this up, but the crumbliness may also be due to the extra heat. ;)

    1. Here's a link to the recipe I was using if anyone wants to try it:

  3. You know that white chocolate contains no actual chocolate, right? :P Nah, that's awesome! I can't eat white chocolate, but it does make some good fudge. Have you tried peanut butter fudge?

    1. No, I haven't tried peanut butter. I'm not really big on peanut butter in general though.

  4. And one more thing. When I read the title of this entry, I think about Isaac Newton. Hehe.


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