Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Moving-in: complete!

Today marks four months since I packed up my things in Melbourne to begin moving to Hilo…and it's also the day I finally got said things delivered! Almost above my expectations, nothing broke in my computer on its long journey, and I'm in fact typing this post on it right now. (Unlike when I mailed it to Melbourne, where I removed most of the components and reassembled it there, this time I just shipped it intact and it appears to have remained in that condition.) It's somewhat amusing, as after waiting months for the boat with my stuff to cross the Pacific and get through the queue off the coast of Los Angeles, when it finally arrived in Hilo it made its way to me in less than three days: it arrived in port Monday, I got a call from the shipping company Tuesday, and they delivered it today.

I'll keep this post short since my computer is currently set up in a highly un-ergonomic configuration on a couple of cardboard boxes with a small TV someone gave me being used as the monitor, but I've got a desk and a better monitor on their way to being delivered next week. It'll probably take me a few weeks to re-equilibrate and absorb this influx of new things into my house and routine, but hopefully before too long I'll be able to get back to some of my creative hobbies that I've had to forgo the past four months. I can't promise anything soon, but, oh, the possibilities now! A hui hou!

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