Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A new place to live!

Following the acquisition of a new set of wheels in the last post, this time I'm ecstatic to report that I've finally got a new place to live! It's maybe 10 minutes' walk from where I lived before in Hilo, and has the same convenience for getting to work. It's an interesting new situation for me, moving into a new place without furniture (or much of anything really) and starting from a blank slate, and I'm savoring the opportunity to start fresh and customize my living space how I want. (As for the stuff I shipped from Melbourne, the latest update I got had an ETA of November 30 for the ship to arrive at Los given the situation there, who knows when it'll make its way back across the Pacific to me?)

If you've noticed a general lack of posts the past two months, it's not because I don't have things to write about (I've got a few post ideas in my head) or even the time to write about them. It's more that it's been an extremely stresseful period of time, and it's been really hard to concentrate with so much uncertainty hanging in the air like a noxious fog. However, as I fell asleep last night for the first time in my new place (in my brand-new bed), I could feel the stress beginning to lift now that I have my own private retreat from the world once again. Maybe don't expect a flood of new posts (I'm still working full time—and thank goodness), but with the gradual easing of care I hope to have some more time for writing before too much longer. A hui hou!

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