Tuesday, April 3, 2018

ἠγέρθη! He Was Raised!


Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record this same angelic utterance in their respective recountings of the Resurrection. (It's pronounced ē-GER-thē.). If we parse it we get third-person singular aorist passive indicative, “he was raised.”

The aorist tense gives the action the perfective aspect, a single unit of completed action, without internal structure or ongoing duration. Jesus was raised, over and done.

The passive voice indicates the subject being the recipient of the action and reveals the Divine agency latent in the Resurrection; Jesus was raised by the Father, not of his own agency.

And finally, the all-important indicative mood, not the "possible" or "potential" of the subjunctive or optative moods but the factual actuality of reality. Jesus was raised! Happy Easter everyone!

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